The Ladder Game: Boosts

The Ladder
5 min readMar 17, 2023


Boosts are purchasable in-game enhancements created as erc-1155s that come with various benefits in The Ladder gameplay.

Every Climber out there wants to get to the top, but conquering The Ladder is no easy task. It’s going to take speed, a good strategy, and maybe even a bit of luck. Luckily for you, there’s some help out there. Introducing Boosts, your main resource to make sure you are ready for whatever The Ladder throws at you.

Boosts will be able to be purchased via our store on our website. More info to come on that soon.

Currently there are 4 boosts available in the Ladder Game, but there will be more to come. (So make sure to pay attention!) Let’s break them down:

Triple Play

Triple Play is a boost that allows a player to move up 3 steps after one correct answer on the next participation attempt. It must be owned prior to submitting your answer to the current question in order to be activated. Once it is activated, it is burned. You MUST answer the attempted question correctly for the Triple Play boost’s benefits to be realized. If you guess incorrectly while a Triple Play boost is owned, the boost will be lost (and burned). The prizes on the steps in which you “jump over” will not be accumulated.


Climber is on step 3. Climber has Triple Play equipped. In the next climb attempt, the Climber answers correctly. The Climber moves to step 6. The Triple Play boost is burned.

Climber is on step 12. Climber has Triple Play equipped. In the next climb attempt, the Climber answers incorrectly. The Climber moves to step 11. The Triple Play boost is burned.

Climber is on step 4. Climber has Triple Play equipped. In the next climb attempt, the Climber answers correctly. The Climber moves to step 7. The Triple Play boost is burned. There is a claimable 1 AVAX prize on step 5 and a claimable NFT prize on step 7. The chance to claim the 1 AVAX prize will be forefeited and will not be shown in the list of the Climber’s earned unclaimed rewards. The NFT from step 7 will show in the list of the Climber’s earned unclaimable rewards


Freeze is a boost that allows a “save” if a player answers incorrectly. They can “freeze” or hold their position or current step on the ladder. However, it does not prevent loss of accumulated prizes/rewards. It must be owned prior to submitting your answer to the current question in order to be activated. The Freeze boost is only activated after an unsuccessful climb attempt. If it is not activated, it will remain in your backpack. Once activated, it is then burned.


Climber is on step 18. Climber has Freeze equipped. In the next climb attempt, the Climber answers incorrectly. The Climber remains on step 18. Any unclaimed prizes the Climber accumulated during their current climb are lost(If Grip is not also owned via a backpack). The Freeze boost is then burned.

Cimber is on step 17. Climber has Freeze equipped. In the next climb attempt, the Climber answers correctly. The Climber moves on to step 18. The Freeze boost remains equipped. The Freeze boost is not burned.


Grip is a boost that allows players to hold on to all unclaimed prizes even if they answer their next question incorrectly. However, it does not prevent the “step down”(unless the Freeze boost is also equipped via a Backpack). The Grip boost is only activated after an unsuccessful climb attempt. If it is not activated, it will remain equipped. Having a grip boost equipped or in your backpack also allows you to keep control of all your unclaimed prizes in the event someone conquers step 25 and claims the grand prize. ← Read this statement again. Grip= Probably Gud?


Climber is on step 15. Climber has Grip equipped. In the next climb attempt, the Climber answers incorrectly. The Climber moves down to step 14. Any unclaimed prizes the Climber accumulated during their current climb remain in possession. The Grip boost is burned.

Climber is on step 10. Climber has Grip equipped. In the next climb attempt, the Climber answers correctly. The Climber moves up to step 11. Any unclaimed prizes the Climber accumulated during their current climb remain in possession. The Grip boost remains equipped. The Grip boost is not burned.

Climber reaches Step 25 and succesfully conquers The Ladder. Climber has Grip equipped. Any unclaimed prizes the Climber accumulated during their current climb remain in possession.

Climber reaches Step 25 and succesfully conquers The Ladder. Climber does not have Grip equipped. Any unclaimed prizes the Climber accumulated during their current climb will be lost.


The Backpack is a boost that allows players to store/equip an extra Boost. It is available to that Climber for the entire duration of the active game.


Step-Up will be a paid action, not a separate ERC-1155. This action can be taken inside the question center and will allow your Climber to automatically move to the next step. No answer submission is necessary. There will be a max of 2 Step-Ups before a cooldown period will be initiated. The cost to step up will increase and you ascend the ladder. The Step-Up costs for each step will be released just before game launch.


The in-game pricing model for the ladder will be dynamic. This will allow us to pivot and adjust the pricing of in-game assets to maintain consistent USD pricing during volitatly market conditions.

Thank you for reading! If you have any additional questions please visit The Ladder Discord and ask away!. We would be happy to answer them.

